Friday, January 15, 2010

On Your Mark, Get Set...PACK!

So, I actually started putting all of my clothes out, trying to figure out what should go with me. It is a lot more difficult than you would think. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have an internship to go to as well because I have to pack business attire too.

Everything (well, almost everything) is sitting on my bed, ready to go in a suitcase. I still have a few things washing and some more casual clothes to pack. The big problem is that I have a huge attachment to my jeans, and I want to bring all of them with me...I know I can't, but I want to!

So, I still have shoes and toiletries to pack, but basically everything is ready to go. I'm going shopping with my mom this weekend to get a few extra items that I need before I leave, so I still need to have room for all of that. I'm not sure how all of this is going to fit, but I am a Master Packer (a title that I gave myself very recently), so I know that it will all fit...I hope. :)

My clothes so far, it doesn't look like much, but there are a lot of clothes there!

Update on my packing:

I think I said my first suitcase is 20 inches, but it is really 28 inches. Just a few more days until I leave! :)

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