Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Days 24-25 of 30 day book challenge

Day 24: Your favorite series (I don't know why the post is creating too much space between's annoying).

Easy. Harry Potter. Hands down. 

I don't really think I need to explain this one much more, you just have to read the rest of the book challenge blog posts to know I'm in love with the series. 

Day 25: The nerdiest book you’ve ever read.


Oh! I got it! The Origins of the Specious. Not species. The book is by Patricia O'Conner, and I thought it was pretty fascinating. It's all about the English language and how we use certain words and not others. She shoves the "rules" right out the door!
"She reveals why some of grammar’s best-known “rules” aren’t–and never were–rules at all. She explains how Brits and Yanks wound up speaking the same language so differently, and why British English isn’t necessarily purer."

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