Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One more more day more!

Good news and bad news...bad news first. My theatre class on Monday did not get to see 12th Night! The dates were mixed up and our teacher thought it was supposed to be March 22nd, but we were supposed to go to the performance on February 22nd. I was little disappointed, because I really would have like to see that production. Good news: Rachel and I booked a trip to Valencia! Here we come warmth and sunshine!

Yesterday, I spent most of my day in the publications cupboard at work counting and sorting through years worth of publications. It has been an ongoing project for about two and a half weeks, and today, I finished! It only took me five days which is the shortest time it has ever taken anyone to do stocktake...I was quite proud. Those heavy boxes were killer!

Also, I had the chance to see Les Miserables. This is the only play or musical I have ever seen that I knew absolutely nothing going into the theatre. I didn't know anything about the plot or music, but I wish I had. The beginning was very slow, and I was afraid that I wasn't going to like it. Eventually, it picked up, and I enjoyed the show. I couldn't understand what some of the characters were saying (either because they spoke too fast, their accents, or a little of both, I'm not sure)...I seriously thought some of them were speaking in French. If I had know the music and storyline, I might have been able to follow along because I was confused a lot of the time. But, the man who played Jean! Spectacular! I was blown away by his singing and acting abilities. I will definitely give the show another chance. I am going to get the soundtrack from Liz, so I can understand some of the lyrics. Possibly read the book...although, I hear it is a behemoth.

Well, short post because there hasn't been much going on the past few days. But, tomorrow I leave for Paris with Michelle! I'm so excited to see another part of Europe, not to mention visit Liz! I can't wait for some French food, mmm! Oh, and the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles, Notre big deal. Until I return from lovely Paris (said in a French accent)!

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