One of the professors at Central told my brother when he was thinking of changing his major that it didn't matter what your college degree was. Only that you had one. That got me thinking about how valuable an education is. Of course, the professor is wrong in a way. I couldn't become an accountant without a degree in accounting. But, in some respects, it is true. Because I have a degree, my life is automatically a little easier than those who don't (although, I am generalizing a little bit).
Walking away with that oh-so-important college diploma. |
But the things I value most I rarely learned in the classroom. It came through experiences. I may have learned all of these things outside of college later in my life, some I could only learn by attending college. These are the things they don't tell you about college. I don't want to depreciate the education Central gave me over four years, but classroom experiences are completely different from "real" life. Most are not insightful or ground-breaking, but it's a start.
1. College didn't prepare me for the real world. I can't arrange my work schedule so I don't have to come in until 11 a.m. I can't take naps during the day, and I can't email my boss an hour before work to tell him I can't come in because "I'm sick." Skipping work because I feel like it results in punishment, not more homework.
2. You can't (always) bullshit your way through work. I made up answers, pretended to read my homework, wrote my papers the day before they were due. In the real world, you need to have the answers, do your homework, and come up with ideas to stay on top.
3. Orange juice is the best hangover cure. Period. And it's full of vitamins. What's not to love?! (Sorry, mom and dad)
4. Going to college turns you into a four year old. On a regular basis, I colored (sometimes for class), took naps (just about everyday), and played the ol' "throw an apple and catch it with a fork" game. I played ping-pong, ran through the hallways, watched movies, decorated rooms and hallways for holidays, played with Nerf guns, and even baked cookies for all sorts of occasions.
5. There is always an excuse to party. Whether it's the Superbowl, College Thursdays at the bar, or Monday morning, there is always someone drinking (even on a "dry" campus).
Graduating is definitely an excuse for a party...and jumping into the library fountain |
7. Craftiness. Sure, this comes by doing fun little projects to make you think outside the box. But, students have to be crafty in other ways, too. For example, white toothpaste makes a great wall-filler when you put holes in the dorm walls.
8. Nintendo 64 is the greatest invention ever. Forget the new game systems. Want a party? Break out the old school games.
9. Not every night needs to be exciting. The best nights I had in college were when I stayed in and played a board game, watched movies, and colored with friends. Those are the memories that will stick with me.
10. Falling in love is the best feeling in the world. I didn't experience this outside of college, but I'm so glad that I found my fiance at Central. Life is too short to not love, so why not love? Go for it.
11. Ask questions. Okay, maybe not in class. Everyone hates "that" kid. Asking questions is good because it means you want the answer.
12. Confidence is key. I learned this mostly during study abroad, but people like confidence. Your future employers will too.
13. Study abroad was the best money I have ever spent. Go somewhere new. Enjoy a different culture. Learn from them, form your opinions, and then bring that home. You won't be sorry you did. I think I gained more from my four months in London than I did in the remaining time in classes.
London 2010 |
14. The majority of people in college are stupid. On a daily basis I thought about how some of these people made it here. You don't have to be particularly smart to go to just need to know how to jump through hoops.
15. Meeting new people is the name of the game. 'That first week of school is all about meeting people. I still say 'hi' to some and ignore others completely. You will lose friends, and gain others. Your relationships will be tested. Learning to keep the ones that are true friendships is the catch.
16. A diploma isn't enough. You need experience in your chosen field. The only way to achieve that is through internships. Jobs expect experience before you get out of school. I had five internships along the way...and I still don't have a permanent job. Come August I will be a paid intern. Step-up in the world.
17. Athletics and intramurals were some of the best parts of my time at Central. Central Volleyball was a great experience. Not only did I get to play a sport I loved, I gained a lot of friends in the process.
Senior volleyball ladies |
18. It's not what you know, it's who you know. This is absolutely no joke. I have interviewed two or three times in my life. Only one resulted in a job. Every other job and internship I have ever had was because I knew someone. Whether personally or through someone else, it didn't matter. Make connections. You have no idea how much it will help.
19. Stressing out just isn't worth it. Things will get done. You will pass (well, hopefully). Enjoy the ride. I'm very proud of my grades, and I worked hard to get them. But, to be honest, your grade point average isn't going to matter all that much to future employers. I'm not advocating bad grades and just coasting through. I learned a lot about hard work through my courses. All I'm saying is don't let stress make you sick. The old joke goes: You know what they call the man last in class at medical school? Answer: A doctor.
20. Parents are the best resource. You think of college as a time of independence, freedom from the 'rents. It's not. I needed money, help editing papers, help how to figure out student loans, assistance doing laundry, and so on and so on. I talked to my parents often. It's not the case for everyone, but your parents are there to help. Don't cut them out.
With mom and dad at the senior athletic banquet. |
21. It's okay to be different and think for myself. I had professors who made me think otherwise. This was my time to figure out what I wanted for my life, to figure out who I could be. Be bold. Give opinions. I hope I carry this for the rest of my life.
22. In contrary to #5, there is always a reason not to party. As much as movies like 'National Lampoon's Animal House' and 'Van Wilder' make us think college is one constant party, it is nothing like that. People are studying or going to class or playing a game Zombies or maybe reading a book. College students aren't constantly drinking, but I'm sure many of them would like to be.
23. Problem-solving. This sometimes came from a classroom setting, in others, it came from personal experience. There is always a problem needing to be solved whether it is your math homework or a friendship crisis. I learned to take care of it myself.
24. Getting involved is a good thing. Through sports or community service, it doesn't matter. Service-learning projects through my classes got me involved in things I never thought I would. Communities appreciate volunteerism; it keeps the community healthy and active. I ended up going to Utah and Guatemala. Who knew that would happen four years ago?
Volcano in Guatemala |
25. The biggest thing I learned in college is that college doesn't matter. Okay, that's a semi-lie. Of course a college degree is going to get you further in life than a high school dropout (well, most likely). But it doesn't matter in the way that society makes us think it does. What matters is what you do with the four years you're given. Do you grow from your experience? If you can change your life in a significant way and really understand that change, then you will come away with more feelings of accomplishment than you would feel from any class.
Four years sounds like a long time, but it's not. For anyone in college, enjoy it while it lasts. Make crazy memories, do stupid things (not too stupid), and live in the moment. You can't do that all the time once you are done. For everyone out of college, I suggest not living solely in the past. Remember your times with friends and don't lose touch, but move on to a greater chapter in your life. Relive your moments, share them with others, but don't forget to create new ones as you embark on a fantastic journey.
My work here is done. Tell me what you learned in college in the comments. It took a long time to come up with these, so I'm curious as to what I left out!
The best part of college was finding my passion. When I first started I didn't have a clue what I should major in or what I should do with my life after college. I've always been afraid that I would end up doing some meaningless job that I hated for the rest of my life. Going to college let me experience a lot of new things and new subjects that we're simply out of scope in high school.
ReplyDeleteMy first two years in college I took as many Intro 101 courses as I possibly could. Then I looked at which classes I found most fun, and why I found those classes fun. One semester I took a Logic class and an Intro to GIS class. My Logic class confirmed what I already knew, I'm a very logic oriented person (Eventually I stopped going to the class and just read the chapter the morning before each test, and I aced it every single time). Intro to Geographic Information Systems was a class mostly teaching us how to use a specific type of computer program, which I rocked at, but it also consisted of a more theoretical side, which I sucked at. So when it came time to sign up for my next semester of classes, I saw where my strengths and weaknesses were and decided to give Intro to Computer Programming a shot, and it was the best decision I ever made.
Two weeks into the course I'd made it half way through all the examples in the textbook, and finally got stuck on one. I took it into the professor who exclaimed "We won't cover this for another 6 weeks!" I explained I was bored with what we were currently doing and I was finding programming to be fun. He simply looked at me and said, "You should major in Computer Science." And that was it.
Granted this process took until the end of my sophmore year, and I had to give up traveling abroad to finish my major in four years. All in all though I think it was worth it. Now I'm working for a small software company that doesn't treat me like crap (I was worried about that when I decided to work as a programmer), where I can (more or less) set my own hours. Most of all, I'm happy doing what I do for a living and there's a lot of things in life that are better than that. Except for being in love with and engaged to the girl of dreams. ;-)
Whoops, lots of errors...
DeleteMost importantly, the last two sentences should read:
"Most of all, I'm happy doing what I do for a living and there's not a lot of things in life that are better than that. Except for being in love with and engaged to the girl of dreams. ;-)"
The "not" in the middle there is muy importante. <- And that's the summation of what I learned in Spanish 101 & 102
Best. comments. ever. I wonder who "anonymous" is? Thanks and love you lots future husband! :-)
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