Day 1 - Recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts...
15 Facts about me (some not quite as interesting as others):
- I have been to over half of the States, and I have lived in two of them. I have been to five countries outside of the States (six of you want to count Scotland and England as separate, but technically they aren't). I am going to Guatemala over spring break as well.
- I'm an English major, but there are times where I still suck at spelling and grammar.
- I studied in London for four months during my sophomore year. I had an amazing time, and I want to go back to see some more fantastic places!
- I have a huge obsession with books. I do not rent them or borrow them from the library. I have to buy them. One of my goals in life is to have a great big library in my house.
- I'm sarcastic. And I love when people understand my sense of humor. But, it is fun every once in a great while to run into someone that doesn't understand and to poke fun at them.
- I'm afraid of failing.
- I love to sing and dance, but only in my bedroom or in front of people I know. I really do suck at both. I have absolutely no rhythm, and I can't sing to save my life, but I still love to do it.
- I hate the cold. And I hate when it's warm. If I could find a place that was 75 degrees year round, no wind, or major disaster, that would be my perfect place to live. I really just can't win.
- When I get bored, I color. Yeah, I still do that...I'm not 21 or anything. Or I read. Or watch a movie.
- I would rather have a night in watching a movie with my bestie than go out and party. Maybe we have a glass of wine while watching the movie. Or two.
- I play volleyball, and I love it. I feel most at home on a volleyball court. I would give anything to be able to keep playing after college.
- I have a great family. My mom and dad are awesome, and my brothers are pretty cool in their own right. I don't know what I would do without them.
- I almost spend more money on books than joke.
- I love to write. I don't really have a lot of my own stuff, but if I had more time, I would try and write something productive. But, I really prefer to edit stuff that isn't my own because then I don't have to come up with something original. ;)
- My meaning in life: do what you love and love what you do. I don't think there is anything that you ever do that should contradict that statement. Okay...maybe school, homework, chores, jury duty, laundry, or paying bills really fall under that category, but you have to do those. So, my motto for that kind of stuff: suck it up and do it.
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