Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Alright, here's the deal...

I wasn't going to continue this blog, but I got a text from my friend Sara Mouw (hey Mouw!), and she asked if I was going to keep blogging. My answer was "uh....maybe?" Well, I thought I would give it a go again and try to keep some people updated on the sweet stuff that's going on in my life.

Well, school's started. Ew. And volleyball! Yay! Our first match is tomorrow night, and I'm super excited to get back on the court. I feel like it has been forever since I had the chance to play competitively, well, since last November. School is off to a rockin' start. Who knew that I would actually like my science class? Go figure. And volleyball has been going for a little over two weeks now. We've had something like 20 practices in less than 14 days...absolutely ridiculous! It's all worth it though. Due to all of the serving I've done in the past couple of days, I have some tendinitis in my shoulder, so that's kinda sucky, but once it's rested up, I'll be good to go.

So, I thought I would share that the London program for the fall starts in a few days, and all of the people on it left today. I keep seeing Facebook statuses that make me wish I could have stowed away in a suitcase. Ah, well, can't always get what you want. Even though I want to go back really, really, really, really, really (you get the picture) bad. Also, good news, I got 140 prints of my pictures from abroad! I'm going to hang them up all over my room. It will be a constant reminder of where I am not. Sad. :(

I will, of course, have to change the title to the blog, but until I figure a new one out, it's going to stay as is. Well, I do have tons of homework to finish, and unfortunately, it will not finish itself. Trust me, I've tried that.

Signing off. Night all. :)

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