Well, last minute tourist plans have been taking up most of my time (first, things first...my blog title is credited to Rachel!). My journey in London is coming to a close, and I'm not ready for it to be over. I still have so much to see, and I know I won't get the chance to experience it all. Here is some of the stuff that has been keeping me busy the past week...
On Tuesday, we went to the races! Greyhound racing, that is. This was supposed to be our experience with middle-class life in London. We live in the very posh side, so we tend to have a bias view of London. The area we were in was definitely a little more run down, but

On Friday afternoon we went on a tour of Parliament. The previous day, there was a general election, and the result was a hung Parliament. They haven't had one in 36 years, so it is a pretty big deal. Basically, it means that no single party had an outright majority for seats i
n Parliament. So, at this point the new Prime Minister is still undecided while the Conservatives try to swing the Liberal Democrats to join their side against Labour. It's all a little confusing, and I was surprised that tours were taking place on Friday. The security was pretty tight. We each had to get a pass with our pictures on it and go through metal detectors (I didn't really think my picture looked like me). No pictures allowed, of course. But, I did get to see the House of Lords and House of Commons. The only place we were able to take pictures was the banqueting hall in the old Westminster Palace. It is the oldest part of the building since most of Westminster Palace was destroyed by fire long ago. The last king to live in it was Henry VIII, and then it was given to Parliament members. It was very ornate inside, and definitely worth a visit.

On Saturday, I went to Ham
ley's! It is a massive store with so many different kinds of toys. We all had a blast in there channeling our inner 5 year-old (obviously in the picture we are channeling our inner Jedi). After that, we stopped by Platform 9 3/4 because some of the people in our group hadn't been there yet. Once again, Hogwarts thwarted me and didn't let me onto the platform. It must be fate. Well, after that thrilling adventure, Rachel and I went shopping for the last time on Oxford Street! Rachel bought a few things, but I didn't get anything because I know I'm going to have problems packing my suitcase as it is!
Today, we decided to sleep in, and got a later start. We headed to Trafalgar Square where Rachel and I attempted to climb the massive lions like all tourists do. Everyone else just looked on and laughed as I tried to climb the platform
. It was hilarious, and we never really sat on the lions because they are taller than me and extremely slippery. It was good to act like a tourist again. And, we got another chance later because we went to Abbey Road. It is impossible to get a good picture crossing that street like The Beatles because...well...there are cars. It was a good attempt; no pictures that look like The Beatles, but we tried! We had one last thing on our agenda this afternoon, and that was to take some telephone booth pictures! It felt totally tacky to be doing that when I've lived here for four months, but it was so much fun. I can't imagine leaving London, but it is more of a reality everyday.
Well, now I'm waiting for news on my mom and aunt's flight. They are supposed to be flying in tonight, but the volcano is acting up again, and flights are being cancelled. I really hope they make it here!
Today, we decided to sleep in, and got a later start. We headed to Trafalgar Square where Rachel and I attempted to climb the massive lions like all tourists do. Everyone else just looked on and laughed as I tried to climb the platform

Well, now I'm waiting for news on my mom and aunt's flight. They are supposed to be flying in tonight, but the volcano is acting up again, and flights are being cancelled. I really hope they make it here!
Hogwarts, let me in! If only I could learn a spell to get rid of that volcano!
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